
Chapter 1 General

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Company and the service user for the use of the game service provided by ________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") through mobile devices and the network, website, and other services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") incidental thereto.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms) ① The definitions of terms used in these Terms are as follows.
1 . "Company" means a business that provides services through mobile devices.
2 . "Member" means a person who concludes a use contract in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and uses the services provided by the Company.
3 . "Temporary Member" means a person who provides only partial information and uses only part of the services provided by the Company.
4 . "Mobile Device" means a device that can be used by downloading or installing content, such as a cell phone, smartphone, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablet, etc.
5 . "Account Information" refers to information provided by the Member to the Company, such as the Member's membership number, external account information, device information, nickname, profile picture, friend list, game usage information (character information, items, levels, etc.), and payment information.
6 . "Content" means any paid or free content (game and network services, applications, game money, game items, etc.) digitally created by the Company in connection with the provision of services for use on mobile devices.
7 . "Open Market" means an e-commerce environment built to allow you to install and pay for Game Content on a Mobile Device.
8 . "Application" means any program downloaded or installed and used through a mobile device to use the services provided by the Company.
9 . "Game Service" means a game that a member runs on a mobile device as one of the services provided by the Company and the services incidental to it.
②The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall be as set forth in the relevant laws and regulations and service-specific policies, except for those set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Article, and those not set forth herein shall be in accordance with general business practices.

Article 3 (Provision of Company Information, etc.) The Company shall display each of the following items in the game service so that members can easily recognize them. However, the privacy policy and terms and conditions may be displayed on the connected screen for members to view.
1 . company name and representative's name
2 . the address of the business location (including the address of the place where the member's complaint can be handled)
3 . telephone number and e-mail address
4 . business registration number
5 . mail order business license number
6 . privacy policy
7 . terms of service

Article 4 (Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions) ① The Company shall post the contents of these Terms and Conditions in the game service or on the connected screen so that members can know them. In this case, important contents of these Terms, such as service suspension, subscription withdrawal, refund, contract cancellation and termination, and disclaimers of the Company, shall be clearly displayed in bold letters, colors, signs, etc. or handled easily for members to understand through a separate connection screen.
② If the Company revises the Terms and Conditions, it shall specify the effective date, revision details, and reasons for revision, and notify the member by posting it in the game service or on the connected screen at least 7 days before the effective date. However, if the revised contents are disadvantageous to the member or a significant change in matters, it shall be notified in the same manner as the text at least 30 days before the effective date and notified to the member in the manner of Article 27, Paragraph 1. In this case, the contents before the revision and the contents after the revision shall be clearly compared and displayed so that the member can easily understand.
③ If the Company revises the Terms, it shall confirm the Member's consent to the application of the revised Terms after notification of the revised Terms. If the Company makes an announcement or notice under Paragraph 2, it shall also make an announcement or notice stating that if the Member does not express his/her consent or refusal to the revised Terms, he/she may be deemed to have consented to the revised Terms, and if the Member does not express his/her refusal by the effective date of the Terms, he/she may be deemed to have consented to the revised Terms. If the member does not agree to the revised terms, the company or the member may terminate the service use contract.
④ The Company shall take measures to enable the Member to inquire and respond to the Company and the contents of these Terms.
⑤ The Company may revise these Terms to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of the Game Industry, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Content Industry Promotion Act.

Article 5 (Conclusion and Application of Use Agreement) ① The use agreement is concluded when a person who intends to become a member (hereinafter referred to as "applicant") agrees to the contents of these terms and conditions and applies to use the service, and the company approves the application.
② The Company shall, in principle, approve the application of the applicant. However, the Company may refuse to approve an application for use that falls under any of the following items.
1 . if the contents of the application are falsely stated or the application requirements are not met
2 . in the case of using the service through an unusual or circumvented method in a country where the company has not provided the service
3 . applying for the purpose of performing acts prohibited by relevant laws such as the Act on the Promotion of the Game Industry.
4 . If the application is made for the purpose of hindering the well-being and order of society or public morals and customs
5 . intends to use the game service for fraudulent purposes
6 . If you want to use the game service for the purpose of pursuing profit
7 . If approval is deemed inappropriate for any other reason under each of the following subparagraphs.
③ The Company may withhold approval until the reason is resolved in any of the following cases.
1 . If the Company's facilities are insufficient, if it is difficult to support certain mobile devices, or if there are technical difficulties.
2 . if there is a failure in the service, service usage fee, or payment method.
3 . If it is determined that it is difficult to approve the application for use for reasons falling under any of the other subparagraphs.

Article 6 (Rules other than Terms and Conditions) Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws or commercial practices, such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of the Game Industry, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Content Industry Promotion Act.

Article 7 (Operation Policy) ① The Company may establish the matters required to apply the Terms and the matters delegated by the Terms with a specific scope as the Game Service Operation Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Operation Policy").
② The Company shall post the contents of the Operating Policy in the game service or on the connected screen so that members can know the contents of the Operating Policy.
③ If the Operating Policy is revised, the procedure in Article 4, Paragraph 2 shall be followed. However, if the revision of the operating policy falls under any of the following items, it shall be notified in advance by the method in paragraph 2.
1 . When revising matters specifically scoped and delegated in the Terms of Service
2 . in the case of revising matters unrelated to the rights and obligations of members
3 . If the contents of the operating policy are not fundamentally different from the contents stipulated in the Terms of Service and the operating policy is revised to the extent that the member can foresee.

Chapter 2 Managing personal information

Article 8 (Protection and Use of Personal Information) ① The Company endeavors to protect the personal information of members in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the protection and use of personal information shall be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Company's privacy policy. However, the Company's privacy policy does not apply to linked services other than the services provided by the Company.
② Depending on the nature of the service, contents that introduce themselves, such as nicknames, character photos, and status information that are not related to the member's personal information, may be disclosed.
③ The Company shall not provide personal information of members to others without their consent, except when requested by relevant national organizations, etc. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
④ The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by the leakage of personal information due to reasons attributable to the member.

Chapter 3 Obligations of the Parties

Article 9 (Company's Obligations) ① The Company shall comply in good faith with relevant laws and regulations, the exercise of rights and the fulfillment of obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
② The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can use the service safely, and shall disclose and comply with the privacy policy. The Company shall not disclose or provide Members' personal information to third parties except as provided in these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
③ In order to provide a continuous and stable service, if there is a failure in the equipment or data is lost or damaged while improving the service, the Company shall do its best to repair or restore it without delay unless there is an unavoidable reason such as a natural disaster, emergency, or a failure or defect that cannot be solved with current technology.

Article 10 (Obligations of Members) < ① Members shall not engage in any of the following acts in connection with the use of the services provided by the Company.
1 . making false statements when applying for use or changing member information
2 . Acts of buying, selling, or giving cyber assets (ID, character, item, game money, etc.) through services not provided by the company or abnormal methods, or acts of acquiring and using them.
3 . impersonating an employee or operator of the Company, posting or sending mail using the name of another person, impersonating another person, or falsely stating a relationship with another person.
4 . stealing other people's credit cards, wired/wireless phones, bank accounts, etc. to purchase paid content, or fraudulently using other members' IDs and passwords.
5 . collecting, storing, posting, or disseminating other members' personal information without authorization
6 . engaging in or inducing fraudulent behavior such as gambling, exchanging or posting obscene or vulgar information or connecting (linking) to obscene sites, or using the service in an unhealthy manner, such as transmitting or distributing words, sounds, texts, pictures, photos or videos to others that cause shame, disgust or fear.
7 . use the service for purposes other than its intended use, such as unauthorized profit, sales, advertising, publicity, political activities, election campaigns, etc.
8 . unauthorized reproduction, distribution, promotion, or commercial use of information obtained by using the company's services, or use of the service by exploiting known or unknown bugs
9 . acts to gain benefits by deceiving others, acts to cause damage to others in connection with the use of the Company's services
10 . acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights or portrait rights of the Company or others, or acts that defame or damage the reputation of others
11 . intentionally transmitting, posting, distributing, or using information (computer programs) prohibited from being transmitted or posted by law, or viruses, computer code, files, programs, etc. designed to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
12 . Impersonating the Company by changing the application, adding or inserting other programs into the application, hacking or reverse engineering the server, leaking or changing the source code or application data, building a separate server, or arbitrarily changing or stealing parts of the website without being granted special rights by the Company.
13 . Other acts that violate relevant laws or are contrary to good customs and other social conventions
Members are responsible for the management of their accounts and mobile devices, and must not allow others to use them. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by poor management of mobile devices or by authorizing others to use them.
③ The member shall set and manage the payment password function to prevent fraudulent payments from being made in each open market. The company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the member's carelessness.
④ The company may establish the specific contents of the following acts, and the member shall follow them.
1 . Member's account name, character name, guild name, and other names used in the game
2 . chat contents and methods
3 . How to use bulletin boards and services
4 . Policy for affiliate services with external mobile platforms such as Kakao, Facebook, Google+, etc.

Chapter 4 Service Use and Limitations

Article 11 (Provision of Services) ① The Company shall immediately provide the Services to members who have completed the use contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 5. However, in the case of some services, the service may be started from a specified date according to the needs of the company.
② When providing game services to members, the Company may provide other additional services, including those stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.
③ The Company may differentiate the grades of members and make differentiated use by subdividing the time of use, number of times of use, and scope of services provided.

Article 12 (Use of Services) ① Game services are provided for a fixed period of time in accordance with the Company's business policy. The Company shall provide the game service hours in an appropriate manner on the initial screen of the game application or in the game service notice.
② Notwithstanding Paragraph (1), the Company may suspend all or part of the Service in any of the following cases. In this case, the Company shall notify the reason and period of the suspension in advance on the initial screen of the game application or the game service notice. However, if there are unavoidable circumstances that cannot be announced in advance, it may be announced afterward.
1 . When necessary for system operation, such as regular system maintenance, server expansion and replacement, network instability, etc.
2 . When normal service provision is not possible due to a power outage, failure of service facilities, excessive use of the service, maintenance or inspection of facilities by a long-term telecommunications provider, etc.
3 . in the event of circumstances beyond the control of the Company, such as wars, events, natural disasters, or equivalent national emergencies.
③ The Company provides the Service using a dedicated application or network for mobile devices. Members can use the service for free or for a fee by downloading and installing the application or using the network.
④ In the case of paid content, you can use it only by paying the fee specified in the service. If you download the application or use the service through the network, you may incur a separate fee set by your mobile service provider.
⑤ Applications downloaded and installed or services used through the network are provided in accordance with the characteristics of the mobile device or carrier. If you change your mobile device, change your number, or roam overseas, you may not be able to use all or part of the contents, and the Company shall not be liable in this case.
⑥ In the case of downloaded and installed applications or services used through the network, background operations may be performed. In this case, additional charges may be incurred depending on the characteristics of the mobile device or carrier, and the Company shall not be liable in this regard.

Article 13 (Change and Suspension of Service) ① The Company may change the service according to operational or technical needs in order to provide smooth game services, and will notify the contents of the game service before the change. However, if it is necessary to make changes such as fixing bugs and errors or urgent updates, or if it does not constitute a significant change, it may be notified afterward.
② The Company may suspend all services if it is difficult to continue the game service due to significant management reasons, such as the abolition of business due to business transfer, division, merger, etc., the expiration of the game provision contract, or significant deterioration of the revenue of the game service. In this case, the date of discontinuation, reason for discontinuation, and compensation conditions shall be announced through the initial screen of the game application or its connection screen at least 30 days before the date of discontinuation, and the member shall be notified in the manner of Article 27, Paragraph 1.
③ In the case of Paragraph 2, the Company shall refund paid items that have not been used or have a remaining period of use in accordance with Article 24, Paragraph 3.

Article 14 (Collection of Information, etc.) ① The Company may store and archive the contents of chats between members, and this information shall be retained only by the Company. The Company may view this information only for the purpose of settling disputes between members, handling complaints, or maintaining game order, and third parties may view this information only if authorized by law.
When the Company or a third party accesses chat information pursuant to Paragraph 1, the Company shall notify the member of the reason and scope of access in advance. However, if it is necessary to view this information in connection with the investigation, processing, and confirmation of prohibited acts pursuant to Article 10, Paragraph 1, or the relief of damages caused by such acts, it may be notified afterward.
③ The Company may collect and utilize the member's mobile device information (settings, specifications, operating system, version, etc.), excluding the member's personal information, for the smooth and stable operation of the service and improvement of the service quality.
④ The Company may request additional information from the Member for the purpose of improving the Service and introducing services to the Member. The member may accept or reject this request, and if the Company makes this request, it will notify the member that the member may reject this request.

Article 15 (Provision of Advertisement) ① The Company may place advertisements in the game service in connection with the operation of the service. In addition, the Company may send advertising information by e-mail, text service (LMS/SMS), push notification, etc. only to members who have agreed to receive it. In this case, the member can refuse to receive it at any time, and the Company will not send advertising information when the member refuses to receive it.
② The Company may link to advertisements or services provided by others through banners or links in the services provided by the Company.
③ When connected to advertisements or services provided by others pursuant to Paragraph 2, the services provided in that area are not the Company's service area, so the Company does not guarantee reliability, stability, etc., and the Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the member. However, this shall not apply if the Company intentionally or grossly negligently facilitates the occurrence of damages or fails to take measures to prevent damages.

Article 16 (Attribution of Copyrights, etc.) ① Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the contents of the game services produced by the Company shall belong to the Company.
② The member shall not use or cause others to use for commercial purposes any information obtained by using the game service provided by the company, the intellectual property rights of which belong to the company or the provider, by methods such as reproduction and transmission (including editing, publication, performance, distribution, broadcast, creation of secondary works, etc.
③ Members authorize the Company to use communications, images, sounds, and all materials and information, including conversation texts, uploaded or transmitted by members or other users through the game application or game service (hereinafter referred to as "User Content") that are displayed in the game or in connection with the game service in the following ways and conditions.
1. to use, edit, modify and otherwise transform such User Content (including, but not limited to, publishing, reproducing, performing, transmitting, distributing, broadcasting, creating derivative works, and making available in any form, for any period of time and in any territory); and
2. not sell, rent, or transfer User Content for the purpose of trading without the prior consent of the User who created the User Content
④ The Company shall not use the user content of the member that is not displayed in the game and is not integrated with the game service (e.g., posts on general bulletin boards, etc.) without the express consent of the member, and the member may delete such user content at any time.
⑤ If the Company determines that a post in the service posted or registered by a member falls under the prohibited activities under Article 10 (1), the Company may delete or move it or refuse to register it without prior notice.
⑥ A member whose legal interests are infringed by information posted on a bulletin board operated by the Company may request the Company to delete the information or post a refutation. In this case, the Company shall promptly take necessary measures and notify the applicant.
⑦ This Article shall be valid while the Company operates the game service and shall continue to apply even after withdrawal of membership.

Article 17 (Purchase, Usage Period and Use of Paid Content) ① Paid content purchased by a member within the game service can only be used on the mobile device on which the application is downloaded or installed.
The period of use of the paid content purchased by the member shall be in accordance with the period specified at the time of purchase. However, if the service is suspended pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2, the period of use of paid content without a specified period shall be until the date of suspension of the service announced in the service suspension notice.

Article 18 (Restriction of Service Use for Members) ① Members shall not engage in any acts that violate the member's obligations under Article 10, and in the event of such acts, the Company may take measures to restrict the member's use of the service according to the following subparagraphs, including restricting the member's use of the service, deleting related information (articles, photos, videos, etc.), and other measures. The specific reasons and procedures for the use restriction measures shall be determined in the operation policy of each game in accordance with Article 19 (1).
1 . Restriction of some privileges: Restriction of certain privileges such as chat for a certain period of time
2 . Restriction of character use: Restricting the use of a member's character for a certain period of time or permanently.
3 . Account use restriction: Restrict the use of the member's account for a certain period of time or permanently.
4 . Member use restriction: Restrict the member's use of game services for a certain period of time or permanently
② If the use restriction in Paragraph 1 is justified, the Company shall not compensate for any damages incurred by the Member due to the use restriction.
③ The Company may suspend the service use of the account until the investigation of the following reasons is completed.
1 . when a legitimate report is received that the account has been hacked or stolen
2 . if you are suspected of being an illegal program user or workshop, etc.
3 . if it is necessary to take provisional measures to use the Service for any other reason falling under each of the preceding paragraphs.
④ After the investigation under Paragraph 3 is completed, in the case of a paid game service, the member's usage time shall be extended by the amount of time suspended or compensated with paid services or cash equivalent. However, this shall not apply if the member falls under any of the reasons in Paragraph 3.
Article 19 (Reasons and Procedures for Use Restriction Measures) ① The Company shall establish the specific reasons and procedures for use restriction measures pursuant to Article 18 (1) as an operating policy, taking into account the content, degree, number, and result of prohibited acts pursuant to Article 10 (1).
② When the Company takes measures to restrict the use specified in Article 18 (1), the following items shall be notified to the Member in advance. However, if it is necessary to take urgent measures, it may be notified afterward.
1 . the reason for the use restriction measure
2 . the type and duration of the restriction
3 . How to appeal against the restrictions.

Article 20 (Appeal Procedure for Use Restriction Measures) ① If a member wishes to appeal against the Company's use restriction measures, he/she shall submit an appeal form stating the reasons for the appeal to the Company in writing, by e-mail, or by equivalent method within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of the measure.
② The Company shall respond in writing, by e-mail or equivalent method, to the reasons for the appeal within 15 days from the date of receipt of the appeal under Paragraph 1. However, if it is difficult to respond within this period, the Company shall notify the reason and the processing schedule.
③ If the reason for the appeal is valid, the Company shall take measures accordingly.

Chapter 5 Cancellation, Refund of Overpayments, and Termination of the Agreement

Article 21 (Payment) ① In principle, the charging and payment of the purchase price for the Content shall be in accordance with the policies and methods set by mobile communication companies or open market operators. In addition, the limits for each payment method may be imposed or adjusted in accordance with the policies set by the company or open market operators or government policies.
② If the purchase price of the content is paid in foreign currency, the actual amount charged may differ from the price displayed on the service store, etc. due to exchange rates and fees.

Article 22 (Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.) < ① A member who has concluded a contract with the Company for the purchase of paid content may withdraw his/her subscription within 7 days from the date of the purchase contract and the date of content availability, whichever is later, without incurring any additional fees or penalties.
② A member may not withdraw a subscription pursuant to Paragraph 1 against the will of the Company if any of the following applies. However, in the case of a purchase contract consisting of divisible content, this shall not apply to the remaining portion of the divisible content that does not fall under any of the following.
1 . paid content that is used or applied immediately upon purchase
2 . content for which additional benefits are provided and the additional benefits are used
3 . Content whose opening behavior can be viewed as use or whose utility is determined upon opening.
③ In the case of content that cannot be withdrawn pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (2), the Company shall clearly display the fact in a place where the member can easily recognize it, and take measures to ensure that the member's right to withdraw the subscription is not hindered by providing a trial product of the content (such as allowing limited use, providing it for trial, etc.) or providing information about the content if it is difficult to provide it. If the Company does not take such measures, the Member may withdraw the subscription notwithstanding the reasons for limiting the withdrawal of the subscription in each subparagraph of Paragraph 2.
④ Notwithstanding Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the contents of the purchased paid content are different from the contents of the display or advertisement or are implemented differently from the contents of the purchase contract, the member may withdraw the subscription within 3 months from the date the content becomes available and within 30 days from the date the member knows or could have known the fact.
⑤ If the member withdraws the subscription, the Company shall confirm the purchase details through the platform operator or open market operator. In addition, the Company may contact the member through the information provided by the member to confirm the reason for the member's legitimate withdrawal, and may require additional proof.
⑥ If a subscription is withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 4, the Company shall collect the paid content of the Member without delay and refund the payment within 3 business days. In this case, if the Company delays the refund, it shall pay delayed interest calculated by multiplying the period of delay by the rate stipulated in the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. and Article 21(3) of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
⑦ If a minor enters into a content purchase contract on a mobile device, the Company shall notify the minor or his/her legal representative that the contract may be canceled without the consent of the legal representative, and if the minor enters into a purchase contract without the consent of the legal representative, the minor or his/her legal representative may cancel the contract to the Company. However, if the minor has purchased the content with property that the legal representative has allowed to be disposed of within the scope, or if the minor has been deceived into believing that he/she is an adult or has the consent of the legal representative, the contract cannot be canceled.
⑧ Whether a party to a content purchase contract is a minor shall be determined based on the mobile device on which the payment was made, the information of the payment executor, and the name of the payment method. In addition, the Company may request the submission of documents that can prove the minor and legal representative to confirm whether the cancellation is justified.

Article 23 (Refund of Overpayment) ① In the event of an overpayment, the Company shall refund the overpayment to the Member. However, if the overpayment is caused by the member's negligence without the intention or negligence of the company, the actual cost of the refund shall be borne by the member within a reasonable range.
② Payment through the application shall be made in accordance with the payment method provided by the open market operator, and if an overpayment occurs during the payment process, the member shall request a refund from the company or the open market operator.
③ Communication charges (call charges, data call charges, etc.) incurred due to downloading the application or using network services may not be eligible for reimbursement.
④ Refunds will be made in accordance with the refund policy of each open market operator or the Company depending on the type of operating system of the mobile device using the service.
⑤ In order to process the refund of the overpayment, the Company may contact the Member through the information provided by the Member and request the Member to provide the necessary information. The Company shall refund within 3 business days from the date the Company receives the information required for refund from the Member.

Article 24 (Termination of Contract, etc.) ① If the member does not want to use the service at any time, the member may terminate the use contract by withdrawing from the membership. Due to the withdrawal of membership, all game usage information held by the member in the game service will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
② The Company may suspend the use of the service or terminate the use contract by setting the highest and longest period of time before a substantial period of time if there is a serious reason why the member cannot maintain this contract, such as engaging in acts prohibited by these Terms and Conditions and the operation policy and service policy accordingly.
③ Refunds and damages under Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be handled in accordance with the 「Content User Protection Guidelines」.
④ In order to protect the personal information of members who have not used the Company's services for one consecutive year from the date of the latest service use (hereinafter referred to as "dormant account"), the Company may terminate the use contract and take measures such as destroying the member's personal information. In this case, the member will be notified of the fact that the contract will be terminated, personal information will be destroyed, and the personal information to be destroyed at least 30 days before the date of action.

Chapter 6 Damages, disclaimers, and more

Article 25 (Compensation for Damages) ① If the Company or a Member causes damage to the other party in violation of these Terms, it shall be liable to compensate for the damage. However, this shall not apply if there is no intention or negligence.
② If the Company enters into an affiliation agreement with an individual service provider to provide individual services to the Member, and the Member has agreed to these Terms of Use for individual services, and the damage is caused to the Member due to the intentional or negligent acts of the individual service provider, the individual service provider shall be liable for the damage.

Article 26 (Indemnification of the Company) ① The Company shall not be liable for providing the Service if it is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters or similar force majeure.
② The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the repair, replacement, periodic inspection, construction, or other similar reasons of the facilities for the Service; however, this shall not apply if the Company's intention or negligence is caused by the Member.
③ The Company shall not be liable for any obstacles to the use of the Service caused by the intentional or negligent acts of the Member; however, this shall not apply if the Member has an unavoidable or justifiable reason.
④ The Company shall not be liable for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of information or materials posted by the Member in connection with the Service unless there is intentional or gross negligence.
⑤ The Company shall not be obligated to intervene in any transactions or disputes that Members may have with other Members or others through the Service, and shall not be liable for any damages resulting therefrom.
⑥ The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Member in connection with the use of the Services provided free of charge; however, this shall not apply to cases of intentional or gross negligence by the Company.
⑦ The Company shall not be liable for any failure or loss of profits expected by the Member in using the Service.
⑧ The Company shall not be liable for any loss of experience points, ratings, items, game money, etc. of the Member in the game; however, this shall not apply if it is caused by the Company's intentional or gross negligence.
⑨ The Company shall not be liable for third-party payments arising from the Member's failure to manage mobile device passwords, passwords provided by open market operators, etc. However, this shall not apply if the Company's intention or negligence is caused by the Member.
⑩ The Company shall not be liable if the Member is unable to use all or part of the contents due to a change of mobile device, change of mobile device number, change of operating system (OS) version, overseas roaming, change of carrier, etc. However, this shall not apply if the Company's intention or negligence is caused by the Member.
⑪ The Company shall not be liable if the Member deletes the Content or account information provided by the Company, but this shall not apply if it is due to the Company's intentional or negligent behavior.
⑫ The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by a temporary member using the Service; however, this shall not apply if it is due to the Company's intentional or negligent behavior.

Article 27 (Notification to Members) ① When the Company notifies a Member, it may do so through the Member's e-mail address, electronic memo, direct message in the game service, text message (LMS/SMS), etc.
② If the Company notifies all members, it may substitute the notice in Paragraph 1 by posting it in the game service or presenting a pop-up screen for more than 7 days.

Article 28 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law) These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. If a lawsuit is filed due to a dispute arising between the Company and the Member, the court in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law shall be the competent court.

Article 29 (Member's Grievance and Dispute Resolution) ① The Company shall provide information on how to present opinions or complaints within the game service or on the connected screen in consideration of the convenience of the member. The Company shall operate dedicated personnel to handle such opinions or complaints.
② If the opinions or complaints raised by members are objectively recognized as justified, the Company shall promptly process them within a reasonable period of time. However, if the processing takes a long time, the member shall be notified of the reason for the long time and the processing schedule in the game service or notified in accordance with Article 27, Paragraph 1.
③ If a dispute arises between the Company and a member and is mediated by a third-party dispute mediation organization, the Company shall certify in good faith the measures taken to the member, such as restriction of use, and may comply with the mediation of the mediation organization.